Thursday, January 15, 2009

WHOA! blogging to a whole new level

Well, well, well...I take one class that requires me to write a blog, now I think I can do a documentary focused on myself.  THIS IS SCARY!!!  Let me reiterate, I think that the topic (weight loss) will be enlightening (ha, ha pun–en-'light'-ening).  The group trip to Darling's Island should be fantastic!!!    

I know that isn't ultra-newsworthy; however, the documentary class IS part of the journalism program.  I'm excited to employ some of the cool tricks (I mean, editing techniques) we've been learning in class.  It should be a grand time.  That sounded sarcastic, but it wasn't.  It really will be grand....oh no!  Not another fat pun...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it may be scary...but it's also going to be a wonderful documentary.

    I believe this is going to be life changing for a great way.

