Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Blog

It seems I have been neglecting you as of late. It's not that I don't have anything to say, trust me.
I am filled with opinions on love, politics, friendship, work and many things in between.
Though I got my start with you, it seems my opinion writing is printed weekly in the newspaper. You allowed me to rant when I needed it most, and I'm sorry for leaving you behind.
Here are 10 personal truths running through my brain currently:
1) A facebook friend request is not a marriage proposal. Don't worry about it.
2) Social networking is a two-way street. When you open up the flood-gates, you can't control what might spill out.
3) I want/need to write the novel in my head; however, I am afraid.
4) Seeing a happy couple get married inspires me, but doesn't make me jealous.
5) I miss being a journalist. I'm not sure it's possible to go back. In fact, I know it's impossible.
6) I need to travel. There's no good reason why I can't travel more often.
7) I love my family.
8) I love my friends.
9) It's tough learning who you can count on and who you can't.
10)It's also a tough lesson learning that it's as important to be a solid post for someone to lean on, as it is for them to be your post. Both increase strength.
11)I'm not ready to settle down.
12)I have no idea what's next!
13)I'm ok with that.